Craft Your Vision

Craft Your Vision

Forge Your Path

Forge Your Path

beautiful ornamental divider line elements

Indie Game Foundry is your Educational ​Incubator for Indie Success

Applications for Cohort 0 start on September 6th ​and end December 7th

What is Indie Game Foundry?

The Indie Game Foundry is an Early-Stage Indie ​Studio Incubator that partners with you to start your ​very own studio and publish your first game.

We are focused on supporting new talent in the ​game industry to launch games as a publication ​partner and expert guide.

We believe in a better tomorrow for all game ​developers, and a chance for new talent to emerge.

We want to be your partner in the #indierevolution.

How Does Foundry Work?


Legal Start-Up Package

Account management support

Target Market RESEARCh

Product Development

Fundraising and Merchandising

Multi-Platform Publication

QA & Tech support

marketing & Community building

production management

Team building support

The Indie Game Foundry provides an ​educational foundation to help new or ​existing game developers start their own ​studios, step them through the process of ​formal business formation, and help ​guide them through the game ​development process and releasing a ​fully developed game over a 12 month ​timeline.

Our goal is to provide new developers ​who want to carve their own path in the ​gaming industry the guidance they need ​to navigate the big questions ​surrounding founding their own studios ​and launching their own games with ​expert advisement and resources.

The starting price for each team selected is $6995, with ​flexible payment options available. Each team will keep ​100% of their games’ revenue until they earn back the ​initial $6995, and after that, we split 70% for the team and ​30% for Foundry, all of this post-distribution fees*.

This is our introductory price to the program, exclusive for ​this first cohort of Foundry.

For each Cohort, we’ll select only 5 teams from all ​applications, based mainly but not exclusively on the ​following criteria:

  • Team Cohesion & Leadership
  • Application Quality
  • Game Concept Pitch with Pitch Deck

Click the button below to review Foundry’s details and ​offerings in full.

*= All the information about fees, cost, contract and more are available in the documentation below.

Program schedule

Meet some of your professors

Watch the live reveal

Who Are We?

Why Do We Do This?

The Indie Game Foundry is built and run by the same ​team as ​the Indie Game Academy, the leading ​gamified online ​game development school.

We want you to succeed. We want to help juniors find ​​a footing in an industry where entry-level work is ​nearly ​impossible to find. We want to help found ​studios that treat their developers right and end the ​cycle of hiring and firing that dominates the AAA ​scene.

We are tired of a cutthroat industry, and the ​gatekeeping habits that make it so challenging for ​new and junior developers to break into the industry, ​and we are here to change that. It’s time to do it a ​new way.

Apply Today!

beautiful ornamental divider line elements

Become an Indie Studio Founder with Indie ​Game Foundry!

Applications for Cohort 0 start on September 6th ​and end December 7th

Have more questions? Shoot us an email to ​